We Can Help Each Other:

This is how I can help you:

Join Discord Server

Come and hang out on my Discord server. It is filled with amazing members who radiate positive energy and create a space of love, growth, and inspiration. It is an absolute honor to have you there.
We are all there to support each other, lift each other up, and celebrate each other's success. So, come on over and join our community.

We will inspire you to reach new heights and make our dreams a reality!

Read Zarapkrat

I invite you to take an immersive journey through the pages of my novel (for free!). You will discover life through a new prism, one that you may have never thought of before.
The story will inspire you to develop a newfound appreciation for life's little things.

It's an amazing opportunity to experience the world anew and see it through a completely fresh lens.
Don't miss it!

This is how you can help me:

Mint An NFT

You can mint one of the Clanmingo NFTs!

Your contribution will help self-publish an inspiring book and impact countless readers.

Your generosity is appreciated and will have a positive ripple effect, spreading kindness and inspiration throughout the world.

Also, the Mingo team will work hard to make sure your token increases in value. Come and take a look at the Clanmingo WhitePaper to see how we will achieve that!

Thank you for making this important work a reality!

Share My Projects

Your support and contribution, no matter how big or small, can make a difference.

If you cannot afford to mint an NFT, you can still help spread the word about my story and book.

By sharing this page, you are taking a step towards creating a better world. Your efforts are appreciated and will create a positive impact.

Thank you for your support!

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